



該校海洋暨大氣科學系教授菲斯克(Martin Fisk)指出,「這是個幾乎沒有人研究過的新的生態系統,我們原本預期會發現一些細菌型態,卻沒料到會發現到一大串在地球深處的生物活動,著實令人吃 驚。」報告中也提到,這廣淼海底下的微生物分解作用,「對海洋和大氣的生物地球化學(biogeochemistry)方面,具有顯著影響的潛力」。


但在大西洋的亞特蘭蒂斯地塊(Atlantis Massif)這座海底山脈,俄勒岡州立大學科學家鑽探岩層深入超過4600英尺,發現到很深很古老的岩層,並發現到範圍廣泛的生物活動跡象。



海洋地底一般由三層組成,一是淺層沉積層,二是由岩漿固化的玄武岩層(basalt),第三是更深層冷卻較慢的岩漿所形成的玄武岩,被稱為輝長岩層(gabbro layer),是形成海洋地殼的主要形式。


這個深海地殼生物活動的研究,19日發表在「PLoS One」期刊。


這項研究由美國國家科學基金會(National Science Foundation)、美國能源部(U.S. Department of Energy)、戈登和貝蒂摩爾基金會(Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation)和綜合大洋鑽探計劃(Integrated Ocean Drilling Program) 所支助。Carbon-eating Microbes Discovered Deep in Oceanic Crust CORVALLIS, Oregon, November 22, 2010 (ENS)
Deep in the Earth's oceanic crust, scientists have found bacteria that can eat hydrocarbons and natural gas, and have the genetic potential to store carbon.
Increasing levels of carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas when in the atmosphere, also raise the levels of carbon dioxide in the oceans, making sea water too acidic to support healthy reefs.
Now, the findings by researchers from Oregon State University reveal a possible role for the deep ocean crust in carbon dioxide storage and fixation by pumping carbon dioxide into deep subsea layers where it might be sequestered permanently.
"This is a new ecosystem that almost no one has ever explored," said Martin Fisk, a professor in the College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences at Oregon State University. "We expected some bacterial forms, but the long list of biological functions that are taking place so deep beneath the Earth is surprising."
Microbial processes in this expansive subseafloor environment "have the potential to significantly influence the biogeochemistry of the ocean and the atmosphere," the researchers wrote in their report.
Oceanic crust covers about 70 percent of the Earth's surface and its geology has been explored, but practically nothing is known about its biology. Exploration is difficult and expensive, and most researchers had assumed little was happening under such extreme conditions of pressure and temperatures near the boiling point of water.
But at a site in the Atlantic Ocean near an undersea mountain, the Atlantis Massif, scientists from Oregon State University drilled more than 4,600 feet into rock that was both very deep and very old, and found a wide range of biological activity.
Microbes were degrading hydrocarbons, some appeared to be capable of oxidizing methane, and there were genes active in the process of fixing, or converting from a gas, both nitrogen and carbon.
The temperature of the sediments and rock increases with depth, and scientists now believe that the upper temperature at which life can exist is around 250 degrees.
The ocean floor is generally composed of three levels - a shallow layer of sediment; basalt formed from solidified magma; and an even deeper level of basalt that cooled more slowly and is called the gabbro layer, which forms the majority of ocean crust.
The gabbro layer begins under a two mile thick layer of crust. But on the Atlantis Massif, core samples were obtained from gabbro rock formations that were closer to the surface than usual because they had been uplifted and exposed by faulting. This allowed the researchers to investigate for the first time the microbiology of these rocks.
Their study of the first exploration of biological activity in the deepest layer of ocean crust was published Friday in the journal "PLoS One."
The researchers also noted that methane found on Mars could be derived from geological sources, and concluded that subsurface environments on Mars where methane is produced could support bacteria like those found in this study.
The research was supported by the National Science Foundation, U.S. Department of Energy, Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, and the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program.


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